Monday 22 August 2011

Feedback from the coloured pencil workshop

Comments on Kim's "Draw a Mushroom in Coloured Pencil" Workshop - 6 August 2011:

thoroughly enjoyed Kim’s workshop, and found it very informative as I have never really done any coloured pencil work. I liked her information card that we all were given, it showed just
how much preparation she had put into the day. Kim was also very hands on and
generous with her knowledge. Pearl’s studio is such a good venue. I think we all
enjoyed ourselves and the time flew by! - Sue Cochrane

I thoroughly enjoyed Kim’s workshop.  I think the Polychromos coloured pencils are
an underrated medium and can give really good results if you’ve had a bit of
practice with them.  Kim is a talented artist and was well placed to introduce
what was a new medium for many of us.  I enjoy Kim’s unpretentious style and I
will attend any future workshops that she conducts as I would like to do more
work in coloured pencils. - Karen Bryden

Ah-ha....... I never knew pencils could be so difficult !!!!!! -
Wendy Lottering

Not my medium of choice, but it was great to just set
time aside and play. What better way to spend a Saturday than in the wonderful
setting of Pearl’s studio, to be drawing in the company of friends and to meet a
couple of new members? I was also impressed by Kim’s teaching.  - Gill Condy

It was wonderful to discover a new medium and find that you can get such richness of colour from coloured pencils. I also discovered that changing the medium doesn't change the
way you do things - if you keep making one 'mistake' with watercolours you will
do exactly the same thing  with coloured pencils - so don't blame your medium! -
Angie Hill

Click on image to enlarge

Photos by Angie Hill