Tuesday 26 March 2013

Well dung Karen!

Erika Hefer sent us the following:

Well dung Karen!

Karen Comins, a member of BAASA, has a very much wasted interest. You might pull up your nose, but she goes to ground level to look at what's left behind of a digested animal's meal.

This has led to her illustrations (see below) being published in National Geographic January 2013.
From National Geographic

Monday 11 March 2013

FLORA COURSE: Flora Identification on the Witwatersrand

The C.E. Moss Herbarium of the School of Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand will present a course on Flora Identification on the Witwatersrand during October 2013. The aim of the course is to teach participants about the floral structures that are used to identify plants and the characteristics of some of the larger, more prominent families of the summer rainfall area. In addition, skills for memory jogging will be presented. The course will comprise lectures, laboratory sessions and a field trip to a grassland on the Witwatersrand. The course will be presented by taxonomists (systematists) from the School of Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences assisted by able amateurs.

Saturday 26 October from 08:00 to 17:00 and Sunday 27 October from 08:30 to16:00

Venues will be in the School of Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences,University of the Witwatersrand, and a grassland on the Witwatersrand (details will be given later, due to the variation in response to burning
and rain).

The course will cost R 250.00, which will cover administrative costs, notes and a donation to the running costs of the C.E. Moss Herbarium.

Contact ReneƩ: 011 717-6467 /