Friday 11 October 2013

South African Flowering Trees - a botanical adventure through history

Many books are written about trees, but few give a complete picture: what do they look like? Where do they come from? How do they grow? What are their uses for man, animals, birds and insects? How have their names changed over time?

South African Flowering Trees – a botanical adventure through history by Rob Wood (with 26 botanical plates by the Late Millicent Frean and line drawings by Sandie Burrows) will be released in December 2013 in four editions –
Collectors' Edition (boxed with a print of Erythrina lysistemon, numbered and limited to 20)
Subscribers' Edition (Numbered and limited to 30 copies)
Hardback Edition – at special pre-Launch price
Softback Edition – at special pre-Launch price

To reserve your edition, please complete the order form below or contact Print Matters directly for more information.
